Стайловий геймінг: Good Loot розширює асортимент для справжніх фанатів

Home News Стайловий геймінг: Good Loot розширює асортимент для справжніх фанатів

Good Loot є перехрестям двох світів – одного з найвідоміших брендів попкультури та ігор і реального світу, де кожен фанат може висловити свою пристрасть через одяг і гаджети та показати, що є справжнім прихильником того чи іншого культового світу фентезі чи геймінгу.

Наразі Good Loot – це найпопулярніші бренди ігор такі, як Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Mafia III, Gears of War і PlayStation, а також найбільш епічні та культові світи фентезі та наукової фантастики такі, як Marvel, DC Comics, Star Wars, Pokemon або Warhammer.

Пазли Good Loot

Good Loot має колекцію якісних пазлів, які перенесуть шанувальників ігор і попкультури до їхніх улюблених світів, відтворених в унікальній графіці, яку можна виконувати поодинці або великою групою.

Величезний асортимент пазлів точно знайде своїх шанувальників, адже тут є колекції на будь-який смак, починаючи від Crash Bandicoot 4 та Spyro Reignited Trilogy і закінчуючи такими хітовими іграми, як World of Warcraft, Witcher, Diablo та Cyberpunk 2077.

Чашки Good Loot

Чашка – це вже не просто повсякденний предмет, а чарівний артефакт, який реагує на температуру напою. Отож, наповніть чашку гарячою кавою, какао чи чаєм і спостерігайте, як на її поверхні поступово з’являються таємничі знаки відьмака чи, наприклад, портрети Асасинів.

Брелоки Good Loot

Міцні матеріали, з яких виготовлено брелок, забезпечать не тільки естетичну практичність, але й довговічність. Такий аксесуар точно надихатиме свого щасливого власника щоразу, коли рука тягнутиметься до ключів.

Кепки Good Loot

Вибирайте кепку у стилі постапокаліптичного світу Fallout чи вінтажному стилі з символом «Відьмака», відчуйте дух улюбленого всесвіту та проявіть індивідуальність. Кепку виготовлено з якісних матеріалів, тож вона забезпечить комфорт і стиль як під час прогулянок містом, так і під час тривалих походів дикою місцевістю.

Шкарпетки Good Loot

Шкарпетки – це ще один аксесуар, який підкреслить особистість і відданість улюбленому світу. Одягайте шкарпетки з героями-фаворитами та впевненою ходою підкорюйте будь-які всесвіти.

Новий асортимент вже доступний до замовлення. Встигніть придбати поки товар ще є в наявності!

Products from publication
SKU: 5908305237839
349 UAH*
in stock
We all know that blonde hair and doughy face from the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. This means that Vault Boy returns to the Good Loot arsenal on a new gadget from the gaming universe. The reversible keychain features two faces of the Vault-Tec mascot. One image of the Vault Boy expresses complete approval of the Vault Ambassador, while the other does not bode well. Will you decide to accept both?
SKU: 5908305243281
349 UAH*
in stock
This keychain is not only an aesthetic decoration, but also a manifestation of your passion for magic from the world of The Witcher. The AARD symbol, which witchers use to manipulate the elements, is striking and attracts attention. Made from durable materials, the keychain is not only a practical accent, but also a sign of your connection to this fantasy universe.
SKU: 5908305243298
349 UAH*
in stock
Reflecting the determination and resilience of this unique character, Cyra's sword will inspire you as you reach for your keys. Made of strong materials, the keychain will provide not only an aesthetic accent, but also durability for many adventurers.
SKU: 5908305243311
349 UAH*
in stock
The twin swords that characterize Geralt are an icon of courage and fighting for good. This keychain is not only a decoration, but also a manifesto of your connection to the world of the Witcher. Made from durable materials, a practical addition to your backpack or keys.
SKU: 5908305237822
699 UAH*
out of stock
The post-apocalyptic world of Fallout draws heavily from 1950s culture. The game universe is famous for its retrofuturism and references to ancient style. It's no surprise that Good Loot has some retro accessories in its arsenal, like this Vault-Tec logo baseball cap. Scuffs and abrasions are characteristic elements of the loot. The front logo, sewn in using 3D technology, also attracts attention.
SKU: 5908305243335
699 UAH*
in stock
Extreme vintage style combines with the iconic symbol from The Witcher, creating a harmonious synergy. Made from the highest quality materials, the hat will provide comfort and style from city walks to long hikes in the wilderness.
SKU: 5908305237846
299 UAH*
in stock
The face of the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout is Vault Boy. Another gadget featuring him has just landed in the Good Loot warehouse and is ready for the taking. This time we have the basic equipment for everyday gear, that is, short socks in one size fits all. And on their pink face Vault Boy in 2 versions!
SKU: 5908305243359
299 UAH*
in stock
Liven up your steps with our unique Witcher socks. These socks will add style to your wardrobe and introduce you to the world of magic and adventure known from the Witcher saga.
SKU: 5908305237877
599 UAH*
in stock
The thermally applied mug joins the Assassins Creed Legacy collection under the Good Loot banner. Want to see your favorite heroes emerge from the darkness? Simply pour a hot drink into a mug to unlock the secrets of your new accessory. Thus, a black application with a red logo of the universe will open portraits of Assassins, executed in the style of street art.
SKU: 5908305243304
599 UAH*
in stock
Discover the magical world of the Witcher with our thermoactive cup with a unique image of Geralt and Ciri! Watch the characters come to life as you fill your mug with a hot drink. Whether you're a fan of video games, books or TV series, this mug is the perfect addition to your collection. Enjoy your favorite drink in the company of Geralt and Ciri. This is not just a cup - there is a story in every sip.
SKU: 5908305243342
599 UAH*
in stock
This cup is not just an everyday item, it is a magical artifact that reacts to the temperature of your drink. Every time you fill it with a hot drink, watch as mysterious witcher signs gradually appear on its surface. These symbols are known to fans of the Witcher saga as elements of magic spells that help in the fight against evil. This is more than a cup - it is a magical journey into the world of the Witcher, which begins with the first filling.
SKU: 5908305231141
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231158
999 UAH*
out of stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231189
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231219
999 UAH*
out of stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231233
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231448
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231493
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231509
999 UAH*
out of stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231936
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305231943
999 UAH*
out of stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305233565
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305233596
999 UAH*
out of stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305233619
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
SKU: 5908305233626
999 UAH*
in stock
Good Loot presents a collection of high-quality puzzles that will transport gaming and pop culture enthusiasts to their favorite worlds, recreated in unique graphics that can be assembled individually or in large groups.
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